Happy Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day! (Yes, seriously)

Happy Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day! (Yes, seriously)

December 8th is the official Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day. So, how does one celebrate appropriately?

    1. Dress up in your time traveler costume and wear it all day. The only rule? You can’t tell anyone you’re a time traveler. Just like in movies about time travel, they’ll think you’re crazy anyway if you do.
    2. Use terms and phrases that reflect the time period you’re “from.”
    3. Get your friends involved (and don’t forget to get pics and videos).
    4. Post on social media using hashtag #PretendToBeATimeTravellerDay.

    If you want to bump your celebration up a notch, you could travel back in time and rent a castle. Not exotic enough? How about a few nights in one of these?

    Want some inspiration? You can’t get more into it than this duo that went Back To The Future.

    Here are some fun facts on time travel:

    Stephen Hawking thinks it may be possible.
    He had different theories throughout his lifetime, but eventually landed on the idea that it might be possible to travel forwards, but not backwards. In other words, choose carefully as it’s a one- way trip! See the science for yourself. He even threw a party for time travelers hoping to lure them back from the future to attend. Spoiler alert: so far, no one has.

    NASA doesn’t rule it out either.
    In fact, depending on how you define “time travel” it’s already happening every day, at least when it comes to GPS satellites.

    Wormholes are a promising theory.
    Fascinating, complicated stuff. Consider yourself warned: once you start reading about the science of wormholes, you might go down a “wormhole” yourself and find an entire afternoon has gone by. This is a great site to get up-to-speed quickly—and it has lots of links to click off to and explore related topics in more detail.

    Why we at Capture love this day!

    All of us at Capture are dedicated to connecting people across space and time through their memories. It excites us to go back generations, even centuries, through memories. And, of course, the opposite: making sure that those memories, and the memories you’re creating today, will survive intact so that future generations can connect with them. We’re so drawn to the idea of connecting people across the ages that we named our incredibly simple digitizing-in-a-box product Time Capsule.

    Where would Capture employees go if they could time travel?
    We asked and they answered. Who knew we had so many wannabe time travelers working here? If you run into any Capture folks on your time travels, please be sure to say hi.

    Shelby: "As an American history buff (and big fan of the musical Hamilton), I would travel back in time to revolutionary times in New York City or Philadelphia. I would love to see the excitement and buzz after winning our independence!"

    Andres: "Easy question. I would travel back to the Mesozoic Era when the dinosaurs roamed the land. It would be amazing to get to see them up close for a few hours or so. I'd hang out with the herbivores to avoid getting eaten, of course."

    Arlene: "I would go back in time to hopefully stop Covid."

    Mike: "I am a big fan of Abraham Lincoln. I would have loved to have been around during the Civil War Era (1860s) to see how things really were then rather than how they are depicted now."

    Bo: "I would travel back to Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963 to stop the assassination of President Kennedy."

    Greg: "I would like to cruise the Mediterranean to see different ports of call."

    Prepare your memories for the future
    Want to start preserving and protecting your memories for your future fellow time travelers? We look forward to helping you!

    Have a safe and fun Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day!

    The Capture Team

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